PLESK 7.5 RELOADED > Performing Administrative Tasks

Setting Up Interface Preferences and Logo

You can choose to set such properties of the Plesk user interface as the interface language, skin, set a number of entries shown per page when displaying various lists (e.g. the list of Domains), set the limit on length of interface button labels, and allow/disallow multiple sessions under your login.

To change the interface preferences, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Preferences icon at the Home page. The client preferences page opens.

  2. Adjust the settings as required, and click OK to submit.

Setting Up Your Logo

You may replace the default Plesk logo in the top banner area with your own logo, which will be visible to domain and mail users when they log in to the control panel. You can also hyperlink the logo to your organization's web site. To change the logo on the interface, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Logo Setup icon on the Home page. The Logo Setup page appears.

  2. Click in the Choose new logo file text box and enter the name of the logo file you wish to use, or click the Browse... button and locate the desired file.


    You should use a GIF, JPEG or PNG format file for your logo, preferably not larger than 100 kilobytes to minimize the download time. It is recommended that you use an image of 50 pixels in height.

  3. You have the option to create a hyperlink that activates when a user clicks on your logo. The link may take the user to a corporate URL or other web site. Click in the Enter new URL for logo box. Type in the URL.

  4. Click OK to submit.

If you change your mind and wish to revert to the Plesk logo, use the Default Logo button.

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