Statistics | Last Update: 13th June, 2005 Article ID: 243 |
- Introduction
- Statistics
- Low Stock
- Best Orders
- Best Products Purchased
- Best Viewed Products
The Statistics section of the administrative tool allows the store owner to view information relating to what customers are doing on the site.
Figure 1 shows the
Statistics listing page under the Admin>Tools>Statistics section.

Figure 1. Statistics listing page under the Admin>Tools>Statistics section.
Low Stock
The Low Stock tool will display which products are starting to run low, according to the inventory tracking. The number that defines the low order amount is described in the Configuration>Stock article.
Best Orders
The Best Orders report will tell the store owner how much money in total a customer has spent at the store. The report is used by the store owner to target special offers or discounts for customers who purchase often.
Best Products Purchased
The Best Products Purchased report will tell the store owner which of the products has been purchased the most times. The report is used by the store owner to target special offers on products that are most frequently bought.
Best Viewed Products
The Best Viewed Products report will tell the store owner which of the products have been viewed the most times. The report is used by the store owner to target special offers on products that are most frequently viewed.