Shipping Module Introduction | Last Update: 10th June, 2005 Article ID: 226 |
- Introduction
- Administrative Tool Settings
- Default Modules
- Flat Rate
- Per Item
- Table Rate
- United Parcel Service (UPS)
- United States Postal Service (USPS)
- Zone Rates
- Default Setup
- Sort Order (Display Order)
- Status Checkbox
- Terms
Shipping Modules give the store owner a way to change which shipping options are available to the customer at checkout time. During the checkout process, these modules are called to calculate the final shipping and packaging costs for the order. The price can be affected by how many products have been ordered, how much they weigh, as well as any other configuration settings set either in the shipping module itself or in the administrative tool settings.
In addition to the default modules that come with osCommerce, there are many
additions available in the community contributions for other shippers as well as other packaging scenarios.
Administrative Tool Settings
There are several configuration settings that can affect the shipping calculation. These settings are described in the
Shipping/Packaging article.
Figure 1 shows the
Shipping Modules listing page under the Admin>Modules>Shipping section.

Figure 1. Shipping Modules listing page under the Admin>Modules>Shipping section.
To install a shipping module click on the play icon in the Action column and to change the details click the "wrench graphic tool" under the "Action" column next to the "Title" being edited.
Default Modules
Flat Rate
A single price is used on all orders, regardless of how many items they buy, how much everything weighs, etc.
Per Item
A single price is set in the configuration settings, which is then multiplied by the number of items in the customer�s basket. A flat handling cost may also be added.
Table Rate
Table Rate charging sets the price for shipping based on the total weight or the total cost of the products ordered. The weight (or price) is looked up in a table to find the matching range, and then that price is applied. This is similar to Flat Rate charging, but with different levels.
United Parcel Service (UPS)
The UPS shipping module takes the total weight of the products ordered, along with the packaging type specified in the configuration settings, and interacts with the UPS website to calculate a total price.
United States Postal Service (USPS)
The USPS shipping module takes the total weight of the products ordered, along with the packaging type specified in the configuration settings, and interacts with the USPS website to calculate a total price. Note, you must have an account with USPS to use this module.
Zone Rates
Zone Rate shipping is similar to Table Rate shipping mentioned above. If the customer lives in the areas specified by the configuration settings, and Zone Rate shipping is enabled, they will be able to pick this method. The total weight of the customer order is looked up in a table, and that price is used as the shipping cost.
Default Setup
The shipping modules come with six modules built into the code, although only the Flat Rate module is installed initially. Installing a module can be done by clicking on the play icon in the Action column, and editing can be done by clicking on the wrench icon. A module can only have its settings edited after it has been installed.
If other shipping modules are placed in the code from the community contributions site, they will need to be installed in the same manner as the ones listed above before use.
Sort Order (Display Order)
The sort order field associated with each module describes in what order the modules will be presented to the customer during checkout. The modules will always be displayed in alphabetical order in the Administrative tool, regardless of the Sort Order field. Changing the Sort Order can be done by editing the settings for that particular module, but cannot be done at the main shipping modules screen. The sorting is done with the lowest number representing the top of the displayed list, except for modules with a value of 0, which are put at the bottom. Ties are sorted alphabetically.
Status Checkbox
Once a shipping module has been installed, whether or not it is displayed to the customer depends on the value from the checkbox. This box is changed by editing the module settings. Checking the box allows the customer to use that option for shipping, while unchecking the box removes it from the customer view. This is different from removing the module altogether with the stop icon, as it preserves the module settings, in case it is later re-enabled. A module cannot be made active until it has been installed.
- Installing a Module
Installing a module makes it usable by the system. This is done by clicking the play icon in the Action column on the main shipping modules page. The code has already been put with the rest of the osCommerce store code.
- Active
After a module has been installed, whether or not it is displayed to the customer is controlled by the Status checkbox. A module cannot be made active before it is installed. This setting is changed by editing the settings for that module.