osC_Weight - Weight Conversion ClassLast Update: 7th April, 2005
Article ID: 10


The weight class is used provide a structured way of handling products and shipping systems that use different units of weight.

This class allows a combination of any number of products having different units of weight. Once a shipping quote is required the weight is converted to that as required by the shipping module.


Displaying the products weight:


= new osC_Weight;
$osC_Weight->display($products_weight, $products_weight_class);

Converting between weight classes:


= new osC_Weight;
$osC_Weight->convert($shipping_weight, $weight_unit_from, $weight_unit_to);


Class API


Loads all of the rules into cache.

convert($value, $unit_from, $unit_to)

Converts between weight units.

If the from and to units are the same no calculation is carried out.

display($value, $class)

Formats the weight for output to the browser.



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